Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Went to a park with Kelly and her friend yesterday, all in all we had a good time and got some good pictures! Please let me know if you likessss :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Uno Mas

Originally uploaded by Andrew Ducker


Originally uploaded by Andrew Ducker
I had a model cancel and my twitter overwhelmingly telling me not to go into work and that means one thing..... I DIDNT, and I got to take pictures.
This actually had to happen really quick because I was racing the sun that falls pretty fast this time of year.

Anyway, here is Emily, you may recognize her from a couple other shots of mine. She is always willing to be photographed and I take full advantage.

I shot this at the "golden hour" and backlit the subject with the sun to give her a nice golden hair light.

I stopped my f/stop down really small so i wasn't overwhelmed with flare but still had a little and kept that hazy look and feel to it. I hope you like it! if you do feel free to share and send people this way!

thanks for reading and have a good day :)
